Twipe's weekly news digest

Newsletter strategies, social media experiments and audience insights: Twipe’s Weekly News Digest

Welcome to Twipe’s Weekly News Digest. This week, we take a look at stories from across the world of publishing and news tech, touching on topics like newsletter strategies, new social media experiments, audience insights from innovative customer centres and more. Read our top 5 stories of the week below. 1. 3 types of newsletter[…]

Twipe's weekly news digest

Metaverse tips for publishers, AI quizzes and a new bundle bet: Twipe’s Weekly Digest

Welcome to Twipe’s Weekly News Digest. This week, we take a look at stories from across the world of publishing and news tech, touching on topics like Metaverse tips for publishers , AI quizzes, a new bundle app and more. Read our top 5 stories of the week below. 1. What’s next for the Metaverse[…]

Twipe's weekly news digest

ChatGPT limitations, TikTok and Facebook threats: our top 5 publishing stories from last week

This week’s Twipe Weekly Publishing News Digest takes a look at stories from across the world of publishing and news tech, touching on topics like the limitations of ChatGPT, how publishers are using TikTok, Facebook threatening to ban news again and more. Read our top 5 stories of the week below. 1. How publishers are[…]

Wie Publisher Instagram am effektivsten nutzen können

In den sozialen Medien sichtbar zu sein und dort auf die eigene Marke aufmerksam zu machen gehört mittlerweile zur Strategie beinahe aller Publisher. Besonders um die Generation Z zu erreichen sind diese Plattform notwendig geworden und ein erster Schritt, um diese von der Qualität der eigenen Arbeit zu überzeugen.  Besonders wichtig ist für Verleger deshalb[…]

Recognising AI, ePaper and Gen Z focused initiatives at the INMA Global Media Awards

Publishers are leveraging tools across the digital sphere to bring their digital strategy to the next level. We have handpicked some of the best-in-class ideas presented at the INMA Global Media Awards from AI reporting on regional football driving a 50% renewal rate to dispelling fake news on TikTok to reach Gen Z. Norwegian robots[…]

3 Faktoren, die die Zahlungsbereitschaft steigern

Paid Content ist für Lokalzeitungen im Laufe der letzten Jahre eine der wichtigsten Bausteine geworden, um mit ihrem Journalismus weiterhin Geld zu verdienen. Um auf ihre Inhalte aufmerksam zu machen nutzen Zeitungen vermehrt Plattformen wie Facebook, Instagram und TikTok. Die Annahme, dass auf sozialen Medien in erster Linie kostenloser Content publiziert wird wurde durch eine[…]

How publishers can take the lead in solving misinformation

Publishers can take the lead in solving misinformation. In fact misinformation has been a focal point of many recent research reports in the publishing industry. Since the start of 2021, we have seen Trusted Web publish their report on the State of Misinformation and Reuters released their Listening to What Trust in News Means to[…]

How to engage the under-35s

Engaging the under-35s is seen as the key to long-term success for journalism, but this can put a lot of pressure on publishers. To keep up with ever-changing technology trends publishers often have to make risky investments. As we see Generation Z maturing and year 2000 babies becoming adults, this debate must once again be[…]

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