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Team Learning at Twipe – 2018

22 October 2018
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Once a year at Twipe we take time to step outside our day to day work and think about the big picture, both on a company level as well as personally. This year we spent two days at the beautiful De Heerlijckyt van Elsmeren in Geetbets.

We had all read Adam Grant’s Originals: How Non-Conformists Move the World previously, so we kicked off the day with a discussion on the book and what it means to be an original.

In the afternoon, we received our team assignment: create a short video on the year’s theme–Moving Mountains. We broke out into four teams and started to make our plans. We worked on the videos throughout the two days. At the end we watched everyone’s videos–it was amazing to see how differently each team had interpreted the theme! We saw a black and white silent film, a remake of Avengers: Infinity War, skits on the funniest moments of the past year, and an earnest depiction of our key values. We had originally planned to pick a winner from the four movies, but it proved impossible!

We ended the first day with some very intense games of Werewolf, and then enjoyed a bonfire late into the night.

On the second day we had individual feedback sessions with everyone in the company, it was a great way to share with our colleagues the things they do that we appreciate. We also shared how we could improve our working collaborations.

After the two days, we left full of new ideas and feeling refreshed. We were able to get to know some of our newer colleagues better and to deepen our bonds with everyone.

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