Why digital editions are growing even in today’s world of breaking news

Just this week, European media organisations reported some very impressive figures on their ePaper products. In France, while there has been a 3.6% decline in print circulation last year, there has been a growth of 24.8% for digital editions. Similarly in Germany, the ePaper circulation has increased by 14.1% in Q1 2020 versus the previous[…]

Edition-based publishing: How to bring a successful model into the digital age

In the past few years we have witnessed a return to edition-based publishing in the industry, whether it be through reinvesting in existing digital editions, getting out of the breaking news game all together (like The Times and The Sunday Times), or through creating new digital-only editions. The power of an edition has endured at[…]

2020 – The Year of the Edition

Last week, the Reuters Institute called for the “revival of editions” in 2020. In our recent conversations with publishers, we have also started to see signs of a shift towards reinvesting in edition products. That’s why we believe 2020 will be the year of the edition. Understanding what exactly an edition is in the digital[…]

The biggest mistakes to avoid with your ePaper

In our discussions with publishers, we often notice higher standards applied to websites than ePapers. This is intriguing, knowing the level of reader engagement of the latter, and seeing steady yearly growth of ePapers in the past eight years. Publishers often tell us their ePaper readers are their most engaged and loyal readers, and on[…]

What exactly is a newspaper edition in today’s digital age?

In our conversations at Twipe, many people ask us what actually are editions? So with this article, we want to answer this. Defining the edition concept was simple in yesterday’s print world; the newspaper edition was the printed product that landed on your doorstep every morning. However, defining what an edition is in today’s digital[…]

What American media can learn from Europe

While the US is home to Silicon Valley and a host of innovative startups, there’s one area that hasn’t caught up with Europe. American news media lacks strong, resilient technology to support the switch to subscriptions. With research from Reuters finding that 52% of media executives will focus on reader revenues this year, European news media is[…]

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