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3 observations from the first half of 2017

6 July 2017
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The first half of the year is over. As a digital platform and service provider, this is the opportunity to look back and highlight observations of our customers’ readers behaviour. ePapers and digital publications have grown strongly in the past year and continue to do so. With EngageReaders we have been able to get even deeper insights into readers and newspapers’ performances.

Here are three observations that stand out:


#1: Online beats downloads

Comparing the first 6 months of 2017 with the second half of 2016, we saw that users are now more likely to read their ePapers in a browser than in a native App. However, don’t think that everybody is sitting behind their desktop computer reading their newspaper on a large screen. A large part is of browser reading is done on mobile browsers. This, however, varies between countries: while in Germany, mobile access to the WebApps amounts to anywhere between 35 to 50 percent, France, for example, is at a much lower 20 percent.

Reponsive-design web readers help boost browser usage: publishers using our new WebApp Touch are the ones with the highest share of web-based usage.

#2: Strong mobile growth for Android

Overall, mobile usage outperforms other platforms and grew by 35 percent compared to July 2016, in a context where total usage increased by 31 percent. Although heavily represented, iPads face a slight setback due to the significant growth rates experienced by Android devices. The levelling-off of iPad sales shows that focusing on mobile phones is more important than ever. New innovative products that put reader comfort first become increasingly a necessity for publishers.

#3: NextGen readers read 30% longer

Seeing that most reading happens on mobile phones and tablets, it comes as no surprise that our mobile optimised NextGen technology has become the preferred reading method. When given the choice, more than two-thirds of mobile readers pick the NextGen view, the rest staying true to the classic Replica ePaper view.

Interestingly, with the exact same content, NextGen readers spend up to 30% more time on their e-papers, and give their editions a 5% higher Net Promoter Score rating, further proof than a better platform makes for a better e-paper experience. The comfort of not having to pinch and zoom brings additional value, as readers can immerse themselves better into the publication and have no usability-linked distractions. Learn all about NextGen here.


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