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News personae algorithms, TikTok, Twitch and Bundles: Twipe’s Weekly News Digest

23 January 2023
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Welcome to Twipe’s Weekly News Digest. This week, we take a look at stories from across the world of publishing and news tech, touching on topics like news personae algorithms, TikTok, Twitch, subscription bundle success and more. Read our top 5 stories of the week below.

1. News personae and the future of AI recommendations

Personalisation is a developing domain in news publishing. 67% of publishers are already using AI personalisation recommenders, but what’s next? We sat down for an exclusive interview with researchers Lawrence Van den Bogaert and Jaron Harambam to learn about their research paper on how news publishers can adopt recommender personae, and understand why they think this can play a role in the future of news.

Watch the full conversation as a podcast and read our write-up here.

2. News publishers are flocking to TikTok as they continue to search for new audiences

News publishers have had a funny relationship with TikTok since it started to change the face of social media. Some publishers have struggled, whilst others like The Washington Post have gone all in. Krystal Scanlon of Digiday has dived into how publishers have approached TikTok in their 2023 strategies, and how they plan to leverage the viral video platform to find new audiences.

Find the full piece on Digiday here.

3. “From gaming to journalism” – Twitch’s benefits for journalists

It’s not just TikTok that has challenged the social media norms for publishers, streaming platform Twitch has also come to the fore. The platform has been particularly popular with younger audiences and does have tangible benefits for journalists. The Fix have curated a useful list of the key benefits of Twitch for journalists, including direct audience communication, monetisation and more.

Find the full piece on The Fix here.

4. 2023 Edelman’s Trust Barometer: Global Report

Source: Edelman

Last week, Edelman released the Global edition of their 2023 Trust Barometer. Following on from the worrying trend of recent editions, the story was problematic for media. Media were seen as the lowest trusted institution with a trust score of only 50, whilst journalists themselves received a trust score of 47, above only government leaders at 41. Perhaps the biggest barrier to overcome was the finding that media came in as the second highest source of misinformation.

Get more details in the full report deck from Edelman here.

5. Weather Channel and Consumer Reports reveal the power of the subscription bundle

In the face of increased subscriber fatigue, bundles are being predicted as central to 2023 growth. Bundles can offer subscribers several different products all at a reduced rate. Charlotte Rica explored how subscription giant the Weather Channel (yes really!) and Consumer Reports teamed up ” to disrupt the subscription economy by going across media companies that aren’t traditionally connected”.

Read about the move and how it has brought success on Digital Context Next here.

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